Watch Out, World! (WOW!) is a pilot enrichment programme by Rainbow Centre for enabling talented young persons with disabilities.

This programme aims to provide identified middle year students, aged 11-14, with stretch opportunities outside of curriculum time. By cultivating student agency, we aspire to nurture WOW! Champions who are equipped with a strong sense of identity and confidence, ready to advocate for themselves and others.

As part of a one-year structured programme, WOW! Champions receive coaching in digital literacy, self-determination and social skills. Each WOW! Champion is matched to a mentor based on their chosen area of interest, to develop skill mastery and complete a collaborative project.

Lei Wong Lei, Hanna Ma and Elisa Lim are amongst the pioneer batch of six mentors. Each of their inspiring journeys with the WOW! Champions are enabled by technology, amidst disruptions caused by school closures and pandemic restrictions. Through a mix of virtual and in-person weekly sessions, they kept up the momentum to explore different ways to co-create. These projects demonstrate the rich bonds each duo have developed and invites us to reimagine new ways we can connect with youths with disabilities.