Harshini x Wong Lei

Unpredictable Stories

About The Project

The project started with Harshini testing Wong Lei’s game on Roblox. As giving and receiving feedback to improve became a familiar part of the design process, Harshini grew confidence in sharing her thoughts and feelings.

When given free reign to make up game rules, Harshini revealed her penchant for honesty and fairness. She wants to design a fun game that spreads kindness.

Together, Wong Lei and Harshini learnt to code on Hopscotch and brainstormed stories and designed characters. Unpredictable Stories is a series of mini games where players get to choose how the stories end.

Watch the development video ➔

See what they have done

Mask Down Unusual Friend Magic Mystery

About Harshini

Harshini is tech-savvy, thoughtful and loves ladybugs. She has taught herself how to edit animated clips to post on YouTube and make GIFs and drawings on Procreate. In the future, she hopes to be a piano teacher or code a viral game. Her ideal world is a kind and honest one where everyone chooses to do the right things.

About Wong Lei

Lei Wong Lei is the co-founder of Ottodot, a startup building an online theme park for kids to play and learn. 305,000 kids have played and learned through Ottodot. A firm believer in the power of curiosity and passion for learning, Wong Lei loves to work with children and teens to bring their creative ideas to life.

Apps used

Zoom, Jamboard, Hopscotch, Procreate